Understanding Sourdough

For many, sourdough bread is seen as an artisanal luxury, but when seen through an evolutionary lens, fermentation transforms grain into a more nourishing bread that supports our gut, makes fibre easier to digest and can affordably support our health.
Sourdough is universal and the microbes that ferment our bread are deeply rooted in our biology, connecting us to the microbial ecosystem that sustains life. Our health, bodies, and food systems thrive when we work with microbes like lactic acid bacteria, in our soil, bread and guts. Microbes that do the fermentation are our invisible allies that have shaped human culture since life began.
This category offers features and articles that explore sourdough and the transformative nature of fermentation. Learn how fermenting bread can better nourish us and support gut health, and is part of a larger microbial ecosystem. With practical guides, tips, and insights, you’ll uncover how Vanessa Kimbell shares her expertise to reclaim bread, because sourdough isn’t just a privilege for the few but an accessible, natural way to reconnect with the rhythms of food and better health.
Sourdough bread is a fascinating blend of tradition, science, and health. This category provides a comprehensive guide to understanding sourdough, from the basics of making a starter to troubleshooting, tips for beginners, and exploring the rich microbial diversity that makes sourdough more nourishing. Discover the tools, techniques, and knowledge to master sourdough baking while improving your understanding of its nutritional and health benefits.