(But will reopen for my next book.)
I am lucky to have got a team of superb testers over the past 12 years .. but due to my expanding workload I am currently looking for a couple more to join the tea
I never publish a recipe that hasn’t been tested, not because I get things wrong, but when you assume your words are understood you can print a recipe that is right on paper but actually wrong when it comes to making it.
How it works
If you are a current Club Member then you may apply to be a tester. We do not recruit non club members, and we do check that you are indeed a member before we accept your application. if you would like to be a tested then please complete the Recipe Testing Application form below.
- To test a sourdough bread recipe you will need to have an active starter and some previous experience baking with sourdough
- You bake the recipe following the instructions exactly, then fill out a recipe-testing form which has list of important things that the recipes needs. If there is something unclear and you get stuck then you can phone me.
- Wherever possible we encourage you to try and use the most ethical ingredients possible.
- You eat the food, and fill in the form with the cost of the recipe, and reimburse you for (up to £10 – via an amazon)
Confidentiality Timings & Cost of Ingredients
- If you are accepted as a tester then we will send you a Non disclosure Agreement. One you have signed this then we email you the recipes or the whole book to pick from
- Please note that we often have more applications that recipes so applications are picked from our Sourdough Club Members.
- Once you have accepted a recipe the testing needs turning around within 10 days.
- Recipes are not to be shared on social media ( I am very sorry but I am not at liberty to give permission, especially if I am working under a publishing contract for certain recipes hence the NDA.)
- We can cover the main cost of expensive ingredients, which you would you submit to me in the testing form. I assume that small amounts of ingredients such as a pinch of salt or a drop of oil you will have about in the kitchen.
- You will need a PayPal account to be paid for ingredients