If you are filling in this form it means you have tested one of my recipes, and with the new template. I really would appreciate your feedback.
Print this form.
Please print the form. There is so much detail in the form that Roni Piterman, one of my members, suggested to print it off – so as to be able to make notes as you bake – and it is such a great idea.
Why I need feedback
Although the recipe is a new one, it has been baked successfully here. However between being dyslexic and making assumptions, it is easy to believe that I have explained a process in a way people understand. Occasionally though things get missed out of recipes, and I am hopeless at spelling.
Sometimes my own team are on holiday, working on other things or are tied up editing a book…so rather that not share a recipe I thought it would be lovely to involve my members in developing and finishing off recipes and your suggestions are so important to me.
If you are willing to help test a recipe as it goes live then that would be amazing.
For my books
You will need to sign an NDA to test my books so that you can get the full copy. You can do this by emailing me and asking for a form. When I make assumptions (which happens!) so often it is the baker that feels they are not good at baking. Of course I hope the testing goes well, and if it has then it’s amazing, but when a recipe doesn’t go the way you expect then this is a good thing too, because it means that we’ve caught something before many, many other people make the same assumption or mistake. It is because of your time and effort that many other bakers will enjoy success with this bake, so thank you. I am really truly grateful for your time, generosity and suggestions.
If you get really stuck please leave a message on the Facebook Forum group and I will try and reply as soon as possible.
Kindest regards